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Lay Readers

Lay Reader

Lay Reader

Lay Reader: Good Friday

Lay Reader: Good Friday

Lay Readers

Lay Readers

Retreat: L.R. Leading Daily Office

Retreat: L.R. Leading Daily Office

Lay Reader: Retreat

Lay Reader: Retreat

Lay Reader

Lay Reader


Ministry of Lay Reader


The ministry of Lay Reader (or Lector) is that of proclaiming the Word of God through the public reading of Holy Scripture in the liturgy.  The Lay Reader is invited to enter a relationship with Christ, the living Word of God, and then impart that Word to the community in a way that inspires the hearers to listen and absorb.


Lay Readers at St. Uriel's proclaim the Word with clarity and conviction - because they pray with the Scriptures, reflect on them, and have come to love the Word of God.  Our Lay Readers are called to study the readings not only in preparation for Mass, but also as they integrate them into their daily lives.


Qualifications for Lay Reader include a love of the Word of God, a pleasant speaking voice, and reasonable comfort in speaking before a crowd. Each Lay Reader is asked to prayerfully study and practice the assigned reading throughout the weeks before serving.

Lectionary Schedule

2025 - Year C


March 2

Last Sunday after Epiphany


8:00am Mass 

Carolyn Rizzo

10:00am Mass

​Jean Deatrick


March 16

2nd Sunday in Lent


8:00am Mass 

Darcy Rosen


10:00am Mass

​Karen Cavagnaro


March 30

4th Sunday in Lent


8:00am Mass 

Joe Mahon


10:00am Mass

​Emily Conover


April 13

The Sunday of the Passion:              Palm Sunday 


8:00am Mass 



10:00am Mass



April 27

2nd Sunday of Easter


8:00am Mass 

Diane Haviland


10:00am Mass



March 9

1st Sunday in Lent


8:00am Mass 

Daine Haviland


10:00am Mass

​Dave Kiely


March 23

3rd Sunday in Lent


8:00am Mass 

Brianne Gallina


10:00am Mass

​Karen Clauburg


April 6

5th Sunday in Lent


8:00am Mass 

Steve Sroka


10:00am Mass



April 19

Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil 


pm Mass 



April 20

The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Day





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