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A Lifelong Journey


It is tempting to think of Christian Education as just for children and youth. But Christian formation is a lifelong process aimed at personal conversion and growth in Christ.


Children are very spiritual and have a real desire to know about God and the things of God.  But often they know so little about Jesus because parents do not know how to tell the story of what Christ has done for them in their own lives.  It has been said that we are in the third generation of parents who do not know how to share the Christian faith with their children.  The best catechesis comes from the parents.


In addition to Christian Education programs for children and youth, St. Uriel's offers a wide range of adult Bible studies and courses designed to bring adults into a deeper engagement with God’s Word in the mind and heart of His Church.  


The fullness of truth subsists in the teaching of the Catholic Faith.  What an amazing gift we have in our Anglican tradition!  How important it is, then, that Anglicans understand this faith, rooted in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition (2 Thessalonians 2:15), love the Lord Jesus Christ, live and love the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 3), and know how to share it with a broken world in desperate need to hear the Good News of God in Christ Jesus (1 Peter 3:15).

St. Uriel’s offers exciting opportunities and resources for adults that will enrich your life as a member of our parish and help you to share your faith more effectively with others.  We invite you to consider taking part in any one of our many Christian Formation offerings.


At the heart of St. Uriel's catechetical vision and practice is a commitment to faith formation for people of all ages: children, youth, and adults.  We seek to grow in the life of Christ through experience, reflection, prayer, and study.  We view our parish as a learning community and develop curriculums for all ages around the events in our life together: the Church Year, the Sacraments, liturgy, fellowship, and service.

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