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Our parish community thanks the young men and women who fulfill the ministry of altar server.  After going away to colleges and universities a number have returned to the area after graduation to continue serving in this vital ministry. 


The altar servers assist at Sunday and Holy Day Masses and other liturgies as announced. Their primary role is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass - through specific actions and by setting an example to the congregation of active participation in the liturgy. The ideal is to perform one's liturgical duties unobtrusively, without drawing attention to oneself.


Altar servers at St. Uriel's  set the standard for worship - with a sense of humility, knowing that their reverent service contributes to the liturgy's beauty and solemnity, leading the assembly towards God.

Schedule Year A

March 9

1st Sunday in Lent


8:00am Mass

Steve Shebell                   Server

Steve Sroka                      Euch. Minister


10:00am Mass

Dave Kiely                      Serve

​Jeff Thorpe                    Thurifer




March 23

3rd Sunday in Lent


8:00am Mass

Steve Shebell                   Server

Steve Sroka                      Euch. Minister


10:00am Mass

Dave Kiely                      Serve

​Jeff Thorpe                    Thurifer




April 6

5th Sunday in Lent


8:00am Mass

Steve Shebell                   Server

Steve Sroka                      Euch. Minister


10:00am Mass

Eric Clauburg                 Serve

Eric Clauburg                 Thurifer

Ryan Harrivan                 Euch. Minister




April 19

Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil 


7:30pm Mass


​Jeff Thorpe                     Serve

Dave Kiely                      Thurifer



March 16

2nd Sunday in Lent


8:00am Mass

Steve Sroka                    Server

Steve Shebell                 Euch. Minister


10:00am Mass

Jeff Thorpe                     Serve

Tom Pace                        Thurifer




March 30

4th Sunday in Lent


8:00am Mass

Jeff Thorpe                    Server

Steve Sroka                    Euch. Minister


10:00am Mass

Eric Clauburg                 Serve

Eric Clauburg                 Thurifer

Ryan Harrivan                 Euch. Minister




April 13

The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday


8:00am Mass

Steve Sroka                    Server

Steve Shebell                 Euch. Minister


10:00am Mass

Dave Kiely                      Serve

​Jeff Thorpe                    Thurifer




April 20

The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Day


10:00am Mass

Steve Shebell                     Server  

Steve Sroka                        Euch. Minister 



April 27

2nd Sunday of Easter


8:00am Mass

Steve Shebell                     Server

Steve Sroka                        Euch. Minister


10:00am Mass

​Jeff Thorpe                       Serve

Dave Kiely                         Thurifer





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